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We have done a lot - thanks to you!
Thursday, 02 January 2014 Written by fra Ivica Perić

We have done a lot - thanks to youWhat a year it has been! We have built and furnished the first building of our technical secondary school with 11 classrooms, sanitary facilities, a big schoolyard and rainwater tanks.

We organized a big party in the village to celebrate the completion of the first building and then immediately went to work. A second school building also needs to be built, with eight additional classrooms, a computer room and a big school library.

If we are lucky, a sports hall will also be built for our children!

In the existing Padri Vjeko Vocational Training Center we currently have 370 students who receive a warm meal every day. To feed 370 hungry mouths every day is not a small thing.

And we have been doing all of this – building, furnishing, schooling, feeding – thanks to you and your donations! For that reason we always like to say that every single dollar we receive from you is as big as a house! Even though everything we do here we do for our children in Kivumu, and not to expect any reward for it, it is nonetheless nice to know that our work is being recognized in both Rwanda and abroad.

This year we got a medal from the Rwandan government for all that we had done to improve the education of children in the Kivumu Parish; we received the “Pride of Croatia” recognition; from the Osijek-Baranja County (Croatia) we received the “Charter of Humanness” reward; and we were awarded the “Plaque of the Municipality of Kiseljak” (Bosnia and Herzegovina) for our contributions in the domain of humanness and spirituality.

All these recognitions also belong to you – our numerous donors, and each of you who follow us regularly here and on the Heart for Africa Facebook page and all our volunteers who have been in Kivumu, those who are there now, and those who are yet to come.

Thank you for every cent, for every “like” on our photos and posts, for every comment, praise and support. Without you none of this would be possible.

We hope that, for all of us, 2014 will be equally healthy, joyful and successful!
Thank you very much, or as our Rwandans say – Murakoze cyane!

Translated by Branimir Mlakić
Edited by Valerie Kae Ken

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