counterUkupno posjetitelja5427788
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Fra Vjeko ĆurićC.F.J (Centre de formation) centre is situated in Kivumu in the central part of Rwanda (Africa) and is run by the friars (Ofm) as part of the Parish in Kabgayi diocese. This Parish was begun by the friars.

Message from the Director’s Desk
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Fra Ivica PerićThe first group of the friars came to Rwanda in 1983. By the bishop they have been given Kivumu. At that time Kivumu was an out-station of Cheza Parish. In that group of the friars (five of them) was Vjeko Curic and former general of the Franciscan order fra Giacomo Bini. They have been working and living with the people of Kivumu and Rwanda in very “simple” and for the people acceptable way.

History of the Father Vjeko School
Written by fra Ivica Perić

The School started in 1999 with the first group of 40 students of building and tailoring. Since they had no classrooms, they had to share with the catechumens their classrooms together with the present kitchen as their classrooms. The first director of the School was Friar John Luis Ofm who also ended his term in 2000.

The Fate of Children - Our Three Schools
Written by fra Ivica Perić

They are the leaders of tomorrowDue to poor living standards, to go to school is not easy and all children who manage to go through primary school are usually not privileged to proceed with the secondary education. In Kivumu we have 3 schools. Thus Friars through well wishers like the benefactors support over 57 children in both primary and secondary schools. However, there are still more children that needs assistance. This support must go on through the whole of their primary and secondary education.

Extra Curriculum Activities
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Apart from the normal programmes of the centre, there are days of sports, singing, drama, dancing and discussion groups based on a chosen topic geared towards growth. These are quite important as they help the youths grow psychologically and help them settle down especially after the war.


Father Vjeko Center

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