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Academic year 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008 Written by Immaculee Iyambaje

academic year 2008 is overWe are very happy for giving our special thanks to every body that support us during this passed academic year 2008. Our Centre de Formation Père Vjeko opened the new academic year on 7/01/2008 with 203 students in three sections: carpentry, building and tailoring.

We closed the year on 28/11/2008; every body was very happy; teachers, students, and parents. 74 students had completely finished their training and ready to compete on labour market. When I chatted with them after they came from working experience (students in the second year are going for working experience outside of the School) , they assure me: when we have been there, we realised that we carry a necessary baggage of knowledge that no one believe that we got it from the school. We worked like some one who has experience of many years.

academic year 2008 is overSo this makes us very happy, because, if 74 people can support theirselve and their families is a big challenge in our society, it will help us to fight poverty against our community.

We had also another group of 110 students who are ready to move from first year to second this coming year 2009.

We are very sorry for some students, 19 of them, who didn’t succeed to finish their training.

Many things are done in our school, like as usually the lessons in: theory, practice and general. We built a very big water tank for the future, we are planning to use biogas and reduce the quantity of the firewood using. The biogas is very economic, and it will help us to play an important role on environment protection, Kivumu is a village so we have to be good example for our neighbourhood and we teach our students how to keep our environment in good condition.

Now, the preparation for next academic year 2009 is serious. Our teachers went to spend one month in Uganda for English training because it is coming a government policy to teach all subjects in English from 2010. The registration for new group was done, on that we still have a problem on selection, and the demands are much bigger than our capacity!!!!

Dear friends, sponsors, your energy play a positive change at Kivumu village in particular and in Rwanda in general. You know education is not neutral and education is the key for development special to a village like Kivumu , overpopulate, no land, no other source of income. For that reason education is a key to come out from it.

This coming year we hope to receive a group of 230 peoples. We will open the school on 12/01/2009.

Thanks a lot!

Father Vjeko Center

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