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Quite a party!
Sunday, 29 June 2014 Written by Ana Martinović

Quite a partyFor us Europeans a rainy and murky day would probably be a good reason to postpone an event or, more precisely, a party, but for Africans it is definitely not! The school party, i.e. the School Day, celebrated on the feast day of the founder of the school, fra Vjeko, is something the school was looking forward to for a very long time, and so they were not going to let anything spoil or postpone it, not even the rain. The program had been planned and organized days before the event, although, in the end no one particularly seemed to follow that ‘planned program’.

You see, everything was late or, more precisely, everyone was late! The mass started at nine with less than half of the students, teachers and other guests present. Some of them were still having their hair done, others were cordially greeting each other outside despite the fact that they were running late, and others were still hanging around in the nearby schoolyard. But nothing was going to spoil this day. After the mass, the official part of the program started. Of course, just like at any other event, first there had to be a welcoming speech, which, to the relief of all present, didn’t last long.

The students then presented the results of their work and effort – things they had made with their own hands – to their parents, schoolmates and other guests. One was able to see all sorts of handcrafts: from bags, dresses, chairs, desks and electrical installations to replicas of inbuilt water tanks, windows, staircases etc. The central event was the awarding of the certificates to our school’s newly-graduated students. The school’s headmaster, fra Ivica Perić, emphasised the importance of education in order to build a better life for everyone and promised even greater educational opportunities in the future.

But the main role at today’s party was played by the students, because after all, this was supposed to be their day. Speeches and sermons were very scarce, and the full attention was directed at the students instead. They entertained everyone with all sorts of humorous sketches, a fashion show, a song recital, traditional and modern dances, as well as acrobatics. Intore, the traditional Rwandan warrior men’s dance, used to celebrate a victory upon the return from a battle, today was for an unknown reason performed by girls, except for one single boy. Seeing them dressed in their costumes, with their blonde grass wigs and spears, accompanied by the sounds of drums, the audience was absolutely delighted. Other traditional women’s dances, which demonstrated the graciousness and beauty of Rwandan women were also performed by the female students.

Lunch came in handy as a break and refreshment before continuing the program. Then we had the sport competitions, which for many, was far more interesting. Competitions were held in sprinting, a two and four hundred meters race, pulling rope – or in this African case, a piece of plastic pipe, a sack race and – you won’t believe this – racing on hoes. It was tremendously interesting and even brought tears to my eyes. And I have to note that the girls were far more passionate than the boys; they demonstrated true will and eagerness to win. Awards were then presented to the winners of the competitions, but the greatest excitement among the students arose when they were treated with soda drinks, which they get to taste very rarely (or only on occasions such as this). In the end: Cola, Fanta or Sprite, and a toast for this wonderful day and quite a party!

And while for some the party had just ended, for the hardworking teachers it was deservedly just starting!

Translated by Branimir Mlakić
Edited by Valerie Kae Ken

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