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Kivumu as a Parish
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Kivumu Parish is relatively a small with about 60km2 with Christian Population 30,000 within its borders. The area is overpopulated especially if everybody has to live his/her own garden. An estimate of 40-50% of the population can not afford to provide daily meals to their families.

Our involvement with the people in the Parish
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Sacraments are very important here especially after the war. Sacraments bring about reconciliation with oneself and to the entire community. Sacrament of Penance is especially very important here forgiving others and itself brings life again.

Our Out Station Mpushi
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Mpushi is the only outstation of our Parish of Kivumu. It was built from 2001 through well wishers from Europe under the directives of Friar Nicodeme Kibuzehose - the then parish priest of Kivumu. It was inaugurated on the 9th August 2003. Usually we have Masses there two times in a month. The population of this place too is quite moderate and within few years it will shoot up.

Houses for the Displaced, Orphans and the Poor
Written by fra Ivica Perić

prognaniciIt is painful to see young who have lost parents through either violence or Aids having nowhere to sleep and having nothing to eat. This is why Friar Vjeko started the construction of the buildings for the poor and the war victims or orphans due to Aids. Friar Innocent is involved in the follow up of this project although it is quite demanding from time and again. The parents of these ladies died in the war. Part of their house has fallen down because of rain.

Water Project
Written by fra Ivica Perić

water tankBecause of such a large population, Padri Vjeko Curic managed to tap water from a spring which is a few kilometers away from Kivumu Parish. It has so far been serving for 20 years now. However, from time and again repairs are quite necessary especially to the pipes and taps. Since the initiation of this water project, waterborne diseases are now kept at check. This spring water is a blessing as it flows with gravity and needs no pumping to places.

Written by fra Ivica Perić

DispanzerThe dispensary which is part of the projects Padri Vjeko worked for is run by our Franciscan sisters. It is quite involving since they have a lot of patients from time and again. Nutritional Section: Deals with children that are malnourished because of underfeeding.

300 Widows
Written by fra Ivica Perić

widowDue to the genocide and AIDs, so many families have been affected. Thus in Kivumu we have more than 300 widows. Padri Vjeko Curic tried his best to put the widows together by providing them at least with a land to cultivate. This project still runs on although new ways of farming have to be introduced and the whole system strengthened.

Problem of AIDS
Written by fra Ivica Perić

Problem AIDSWith poor living standards and no jobs or employment, AIDS has stricken Kivumu area. There is a need of creating awareness so that many lives can be spared through education on Aids. Both the Friars and the Sisters work with the affected creating an awareness on Aids. It is very painful to see children and even adults dying of Aids. Here people may die faster due to lack of food and constant medical care.


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