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Second water tank
Monday, 03 March 2008 Written by Emmanuel Hakizimfura

new water tank in KivumuWe started the academic year on 07/01/2008. It was very interesting to see, to hear! Every body: staff member, students, understood that a hard work is waiting; more creativity is needed from her/him in order to achieve one objective and change the environnement of Kivumu. Some of the second year students especially those from building section said: we are left with very few days at school; and we have to work hard. Our question was answered on 17/01/2008 when we got the opportunity to build the second water tank for the parish (the first one was built by the group who finished last year).

Reaching on their work shop which is behind the church is very different, usually school start at 07: 50 but for us we are arriving at 7: 00 like the other builders, and also we like to be called the builders not students. We decided to work in groups, one group can build another one serves in other words we have a real team work. This is a big challenge!  An example for every body!

Those two water tank will be helpful for the youths who came for cleaning the church every Monday and Thursday, for example if they spent 5 four on this cleaning work because they fetch water from far away, buy with these water thanks they will spend 2 hours only on the same work and profit more time for they own business. This is a simple work which is bringing a big change in Kivumu and a challenge for the people to think about their development.

Written by Emmanuel Hakizimfura, student from the second year of building section.

Father Vjeko Center

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