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Stone by stone
Saturday, 16 January 2010 Written by fra Ivica Perić

When stomach is empty does the brain work properly?

But does it help to just give food for empty stomach and for how long - or is it better to teach others how to earn their own food?

We did try to give food and it created many problems - in our experience - After trying to teach our people how to find their own way, we saw it was the most successful.

Many times in our life we try to do big things in a big way, but, really, the big things happen from the hearts of the people. To accomplish anything meaningful, we need support from others in order to succeed. This means we need each other.

building sectionbuilding section

In Kivumu, we are living in an area which is over populated. On only 60 square km there are over 30,000 - thirty thousand! people living side by side. Not even 1% of the population have jobs and everyone is simply living from the produce of his or her land. Imagine 60 square km for 30,000 people???

How much land is there left for cultivating once you take away the space that is needed for roads and forests? And not all the land is aerable - some soil is very poor ... all this means that there is little land left for the people to live from. 

The majority of our people in Kivumu Parish are eating only 2-3 times in a week. And there are other things that go along with the poverty – things like stealing and prostitution.

We believe that the only way to help the situation is to give a proper education to our children and by doing this, we will reduce, drastically, these problems. But, for this we need your help.

We are trying to organize a container from Canada which will be carrying all types of materials for use in our school. With these goods we will be able to better train our children to have skills to earn a living in the future in order to provide for themselves and their families.


We would need your help for the financing of this container transport and hope that you will be able to motivate other people to help us in this very important matter.

Future is Education and we believe that if we build; “Stone by Stone” ... if each one gives a stone, then at the end it becomes a big pile... and we will succeed.

In the end, the result will be this:  you will have helped to give a chance to build a better future for the people of Kivumu and their families.

Thank you and Blessings.

Edited by: Valerie K. Ken

Father Vjeko Center

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