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Canonical visitation
Saturday, 18 October 2008 Written by fra Ivica Perić

Provincial friar Sebastian UnsnerFrom 14th till 26th of September our Provincial from Nairobi Fr. Sebastian Unsner was in Rwanda for his Canonical visitation. Canonical visitation is time when our provincial is going around the province to visit each fraternity. On his visitation he spends few days in each fraternity. That is time when he stays in fraternity to be with the brothers to pray and work with them. At the same time he gives opportunity to each friar to talk to him, individually. This visitation is every three years before our Provincial Chapter. The Chapter is a meeting when the brothers get together to spend time in prayer and also is the time when they choose new administration for next three years and decide the future of the Province.

Our province is so big and the Provincial has to travel a lot. The Province is situated in nine countries: Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Madagascar and Mauritius. Rwanda, after Mauritius, is easiest for him. The country is very small and we do have only two fraternities. One is, fraternity of St. Antony, in Mbazi, Butare south of Rwanda and our is St. Mary of Angels in Kivumu central part of Rwanda. Distance in-between these two fraternities is, just, 102 km.

He did stay with us in Kivumu for 5 days. At that time he spent sometimes in our school to se what our students are busy at. The students have been very happy that he was able to stay with them and did give so much encouragement and want him to stay with them much longer. They did wish him all the best with hope that he will be back soon to see how much they have improved in the studies and what they have done. After Kivumu he continues his visitation to neighbouring country of Uganda.

May the Lord bless journeys to continue his good work.

Father Vjeko Center

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