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Opening Of Our School For Another Year
Saturday, 18 March 2017 Written by fra Ivica Perić

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Well, Dear Readers... Once again we have started yet another chapter in the life of Padri Vjeko Centre. This school year has started like so many other years, except that we have some changes, as well as some challenges.

First of all, we have been moving the majority of our school from the Kivumu location to the newly built school in Musengo, which is a village across a small valley from where the original school was started. We have kept the Welding section and the Carpentry section in the old location because we are still having great challenges with unstable electricity at our new school location.

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

It is all very exciting to see so many machines, equipment, computers, desks, chairs, cupboards, tables, etc. carried up by the many students who have arrived to join us for the new year. The organization of the moving plan was done under the supervision of Valerie Ken, one of our volunteers who has been coming to work with us for the past thirteen years. And now everything is being put into place in the newly built schoolrooms in the 'upper phase' our new school building and we have already begun teaching.

In terms of challenges, we are introducing a brand new curriculum for our S4 Technical Secondary School students, one that has been implemented under the direction of the Rwandan Government Workforce Development Authority. So we are having to teach our newly arrived group of TSS students according to one curriculum and yet to continue to instruct the rest of our student population according to the former curriculum.

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

And yet the school year has begun..... it is gratifying to see last year's students arriving to complete their studies and to see the new registrants arriving with eager anticipation to begin their programs. On an interesting note, in Rwanda even after the school year 'officially' begins we continue to have a constant stream of parents who are desperate to get their children into some form of education that can assure them a future.

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Our school has become very well known throughout Rwanda. In fact, recently a meeting was held in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, attended by various dignitaries in the education system, where our school was presented as an exemplary TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) school in all of Rwanda. We were recognized for our well organized programs, for our well maintained equipment, for our hard work and for the students that we graduate who show skill and even more than that – for good character.

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

So all our hard work has paid off! And as you have all come to appreciate, this is also due to the hard work of the numerous volunteers who come to help us to educate these young people of Rwanda. Among these volunteers is Valerie Kae Ken from Canada who has once again come to help our teachers begin the new year. And we also have to thank two volunteers from Germany - Mr. Gunter and Mr. Aloys who have come to assist us in the trades of Electricity and Carpentry, respectively. And we have Mr. Frank, who is with us to help us in the Carpentry department of our school.

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

Opening Of Our School For Another Year

So life here in Kimumu is not only exciting, it is also very gratifying, especially for those of us who are fortunate enough to witness first hand how this education is helping the young population of Rwanda. And for you, our donors who have helped us so much, it must be very satisfying to know that your assistance has done so much good. And we are very proud of our teachers who work hard as a team to support the goal of Padri Vjeko Centre. And what is our goal? It is to assist the youth of Rwanda to have a better future because of the skill and education they are receiving here at our school. Thank you to all and best wishes for a wonderful New Year.

Edited by Valerie Kae Ken

Father Vjeko Center

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