Minister General in Kivumu community |
On their way to Kivumu they visited the Poor Clare's Monastery. After their arrival we had our supper together. The next day morning we had the meeting with the Minister General in which he first shared about the present structure of our Order and some statistics concerning the friars around the world. Then he spoke about our IDENTITY in which he told that we should have something to anchor our lives to hold on other wise one can lose ones vocation. Anchoring our lives gives one the meaning and purpose in life. Then he told the gathering that we need to have these five points 1. Clarity of intension 2. Our intensity of our life 3. Simplicity of life 4. commitment to action 5. one need to become and join in the road to journey. After the gathering we had the Eucharistic celebration in the parish church of Kivumu in which he spoke in his homily that we are called to forgive one another and build up trust with one another in the community. He highlighted what Pope Francis told him and the Definitors General in private audience saying what is the word which starts with 'M' and ends with 'Y' and which has five letters. He told us to live that word "MERCY" in our communities through which one can build up trust with one each other. After the Eucharistic celebration he gave all the brothers gathered there the blessing of our Holy Father Francis as memento. Then in the afternoon he had sharing with the novices and then the evening prayer followed by grand supper. Yours fraternally, Photo Gallery |