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The first Trimester is over
Tuesday, 08 April 2008 Written by Željko Garmaz

The first trimester is overMore than 200 students in “Centre de formation Pere Vjeko” have gone for their first holidays of this academic year. They have finished their exams and now they are resting from school for two weeks. Before going for their holidays they had to clean the classrooms and the surrounding area. During holidays most of the students are helping at home in digging of gardens and planting for this rain season. Some of them are spending their time playing football, walking around and being together. Academic year in Rwanda starts on the first Monday of January and is divided in three trimesters.

This year the School started on the 7th of January and the first trimester was finished by the beginning on April. The holidays are for two weeks and the second trimester is going to be completed by the end of July with tree weeks of holidays. The last trimester shall be finished by the end of November. This year, there are 202 students who have finished the first trimester in the School.

Tailoring section: 70 students, that is: 1st year: 40 girls and 3 boys; 2nd year 23 girls and 4 boys. Carpentry section: 56 students, that is: 1st year: 27 boys and 2 girls. 2nd year: 25 boys and 2 girls. Building section: 76 students: 1st year 44 boys and 5 girls; 2nd year 26 boys and a one girl.

The head master of the School fra Ivica Peric said that so many have applied to get education but they are so sorry that they could not accept more young people. The School capacity is limited.

Father Vjeko Center

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