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First Day of School
Monday, 07 January 2013 Written by Branimir Mlakić

First Day of SchoolThat day has finally come! This morning, January 7, on the first day of school when official registration takes place, the school yard was filled with students and their parents. The first day is always exciting, especially for these girls and boys, because for them this is most probably the beginning of a brighter future. Education at Padri Vjeko VTC will also give them the opportunity for the first time in their lives to see machines, tools and other equipment that cannot be seen anywhere else because, generally, such machines, tools and equipment simply are not to be found in other schools in the country.

After everyone gathered and had comfortably settled in the schoolyard, they were greeted by the Headmaster, fra Ivica Perić.  In his speech, addressed primarily to the new students and their parents, he said that this was their first step toward a new life and a better future. Both parents and their children attended. “You, the parents, are here to support your children. You, the parents, equally participate in the education of your children in this school. Your children are coming to an institution which has its rules, and those rules must be followed - not only by the students but by parents as well,” Ivica told the assembly today.  He then announced the school’s secretary, Imaculée Iyambaje, who first introduced the teachers in each of the six sections, and then she explained the school policies.

When she mentioned that students in the school were going to have a daily meal and started listing all the various dishes on the school menu, everybody started to talk and make noise – food is a very important and interesting subject for Rwandans! (When I think about it, in fact, we all love to talk about food, regardless of where we come from!) And so, among other things, the parents were informed in great detail about what their children were going to eat.

Several parents had some questions and then it was time for the registration of students.  Everyone literally ran to stand in the queue in front of the table of the section they wanted to enroll in! The entire process took quite a while. At the end of the day, each new student got a school uniform, which is supposed to last them throughout their one or two year of studies at Padri Vjeko VTC.

According to the available data, 328 new students will enroll in the school, so this school year we will have a total of 474 students. However, the final number of students will only be determined by Friday, because from experience we know that the registration process will be “stretched” through the whole week. Tomorrow is the first real work day, and before us is another long school year which hopefully - just as in previous years - will be spent learning and acquiring new skills; enriching all those who are in any way involved in the school’s life and work.

Edited by Valerie Kae Ken

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