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Always Something Done or Built
Monday, 30 May 2011 Written by fra Ivica Perić
Renovation at Musengo Renovated classroom at Musengo Primary School classrooms - old Primary School classrooms - old Primary School classrooms - new

At our place, not a single day passes quietly. There’s always something being done or being built. It’s nice to see Kivumu developing. And it’s a special source of joy to us that with each passing year we need more and more room for our primary and vocational schools.

It’s a sign that the awareness of the people is changing, and that they’ve realized how important schooling is for the future of their children.

The existing number of classrooms in the primary school has become insufficient to take in all the little school children eager to learn. At the moment, the primary school is attended by more than 1700 children, so the existing twenty-one classrooms are quite crowded.

We decided to change that. And we put ourselves to work. We recently began the construction of new buildings containing four additional classrooms. This was made possible by the generosity of our German friends through Franziskaner Mission based in Dortmund. Teachers and students from the Masonry course of our Padri Vjeko Center are unselfishly helping us in the construction, and the work also benefits them because they improve their skills in the process.

As soon as the construction of the four new classrooms is completed, we are planning to build two more. Besides that, we are going to temporarily lend the primary school the two buildings which we inherited as a part of the land for the construction of the future secondary school. Let me remind you that there used to be four dilapidated buildings on the site. With the help of our students, all four buildings were renovated and prepared for use. Two of them are being used by our Padri Vjeko Center, and the remaining two will be used temporarily as classrooms for our primary schoolchildren.

Translated by: fra Branimir Mlakić
Edited by: Valerie Kae Ken

Father Vjeko Center

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