Dear Visitor,
Fourteen years have passed since our Franciscan brother Vjeko Ćurić was killed in the Rwandan capital of Kigali. He tragically died on January 31st, 1998.
This year, the commemoration of the 14th anniversary of his death was particularly solemn. The Bosnian Provincial Lovro Gavran came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Guardian of the Podsused Franciscan Monastery Tomo Anđić from Croatia, and Ilija Krezo, also a member of the Bosnian Province, came from Germany.
Their presence only proves that the sacrifice of our Vjeko is not now and never will be forgotten.
Read more about how we remembered our late Franciscan brother on our web page...
Nothing is Thrown Away! I’ve already written about how we recently manufactured fifty-four new desks and ninety-five chairs for the six newly built classrooms (for the primary school). We plan to make an additional one hundred desks and two hundred chairs. But before we started making new school furniture, we first had to deal with the old units which weren’t being...
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14th Anniversary of the Death of Friar Vjeko Ćurić The commemoration of fra Vjeko began on Tuesday, at 8 AM, with the Holy Mass in the Kivumu church which was built by him and in which he was put to his final rest. The Bosnian Provincial, fra Lovro Gavran, celebrated the Mass together with fra Tomo Anđić, fra Ilija Krezo, and myself. The church was very crowded...
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Bosnian Provincial Visiting Kivumu During the past few days Croatian has been the ‘local’ language in our friary in Kivumu. Fra Lovro Gavran, the Provincial of the Bosnian Franciscan Province (called ‘Bosna Srebrena’ in Croatian), fra Tomo Anđić, the Guardian of the Podsused Franciscan Monastery (Zagreb, Croatia), and fra Ilija Krezo, another member of the Province...
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More Articles A Record Number of Students in the New School Year

If you are able, please donate for helping to educate the children at our Center
Rwanda is small country with population of 11 million. Because of this, often there is no opportunity to buy land on which to build a school. And if there is any land available, the price is very high compared with the Rwandan standards. The price for our new school is around 70.000 Euros. We need help to do this and we invite you to donate for our new school. More info...