Poštovanje Visitor,
sretni smo da Vas možemo obavijestiti o različitim projektima koji su ugledali “svjetlo dana” prošle godine. Imamo lijep članak o našem “Limenku” koji se “lijepo obukao” u prelijepe boje. Isto tako možete pročitati o budućnosti naše srednje škole te zapažanje jednog od naših posjetitelja u Kivumu-u. Uživajte u ovim člancima a bit će ih još puno!
Možda ste propustili a moglo bi vas zanimati...
I try to bring you to your senses, and you drive me out of my senses! For me it was magical, fantastic, and somewhat unreal. I was afraid that I would wake up and realize it was all just a dream, and not a present reality. After twenty-eight years spent living in Sweden amid flashing lights, rushing everywhere, so much constant activity, and eternal stress, where everything goes according to previously planned...
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A Review of Projects in 2010 While we were making a draft for this article, we realized how much we’ve really done. It’s not that we’re bragging, but we’re glad to see such a rich list of events. So, aside from our usual pastoral work, projects in our ‘Padri Vjeko School’ came straight, one after the other, and we managed to increase the number of students as well and also courses. But, let us start from the beginning...
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Report on a project to build secondary schools Our Secondary School construction project in Kivumu hasn’t been brought to a halt. On the contrary, we’re working on it each and every day. However, it will take time until we see the shape of the future building on one of our pieces of land in the parish. The paperwork is very complicated, and we’re also still solving problems with folks who entered our land illegally...
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Beginning of the Second trimester All our students are accounted for, except one. Unfortunately, that one had to be expelled from the school. His problematic nature has cost him his schooling. He kept beating other children in the school. We tried to solve the matter by talking to him. We tried to make him a bit more busy in the workshops, so that he would be engaged...
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The Tin Man Project As you enter the immigration area of the Kigali international airport, there is a big sign stating “No non-biodegradable plastics allowed in Rwanda”. At this point, I should mention that when I was in the Calgary airport I had noticed that the stitching on one of my suitcases was coming undone, so I had carefully wrapped my bag in multi layers...
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Ako ste u mogućnosti, donirajte za obrazovanje djece i rad našeg Centra
Procedura za to je jednostavna i jednaka u svakoj banci. Donacije se mogu uplatiti u američkim dolarima ili u eurima na odjelu za novčano poslovanje u devizama. Sve banke u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu omogućavaju ovakve uplate. Ukoliko uplatu iz Hrvatske želite izvršiti u kunama to također možete učiniti i to na način da službenika u banci zamolite da vaš novac promijeni u eure ili dolare jer su to jedine valute koje možemo primiti na naš račun u banci u Ruandi. Detaljnije...
Volontiranje u Africi
Mnogi imaju želju doći u Afriku. Tako se i nama ljudi nerijetko javljaju sa željom da dođu kao volonteri. Međutim, malo tko shvaća što volontiranje uopće znači. To nije dolazak u našu zajednicu na tri tjedna. Volontiranje podrazumijeva dolazak na najmanje šest mjeseci. I u tom razdoblju svoje vještine i znanja trebaju znati prenijeti na druge. Detaljnije...
Kumstvo djetetu iz Ruande
Potaknuti brojnim upitima naših prijatelja koji bi željeli biti kumovi siromašnoj djeci iz Ruande, želimo objasniti zašto takvu izuzetnu gestu ne prakticiramo. Naime, kumstvo je plemenita, ali i dugotrajna i skupa obveza. Dok je u Ruandi osnovno školovanje obvezatno, ali i besplatno, srednja škola traje šest godina i košta najmanje 300 eura po školskoj godini. Detaljnije...