Newsletter 25 - March 2014
Newsletter No. 25, March 2014
Dear Posjetitelj,
We are continuing to work on our projects with great enthusiasm and energy, thanks to your help and constant support.
While we are busy building the foundations of the second phase of our Senior Secondary Technical School, these days we have the first generation of students enrolled at the completed and fully equipped section of the school.
In the most wonderful way we are fulfilling the great dream of our villagers.
You can read about all this on our web page, where you can also find out what «African Red Bull» is!
Education, education, and only education – there is no other way“Don’t give people fish. Teach them to fish instead!” This is the proverb I keep repeating to myself and to all those who come to Africa. People often mistakenly think that they can change the world overnight. I’ve been living in Africa for 24 years, and only now am I starting to see the real results of my work: the success of young people who were out...
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Do you know what African Red Bull is?Life has taught us that everything, literally everything, can and must be used here. Nothing is ever thrown away... nothing is surplus. We needed to cut down five eucalyptus trees on the grounds of our new school. They had grown too big and were threatening to fall down on nearby villagers’ houses. We organized a big work party...
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The technical secondary school: A beacon of hope and optimism!In every African village, a school is much more than just a place for learning and acquiring new knowledge and necessary education. It is a place for hanging out, for getting together. And, first and foremost, it is a guarantee of a change for the better and a place where neglected and forgotten people can thrive. Our newly-built...
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More Articles The day we celebrate life in Kivumu A Village Soccer Game Experiences with people of Rwanda The Magic of Kibuye People of Rwanda and their everyday life
If you are able, please donate for helping to educate the children at our Center
Rwanda is small country with population of 11 million. Because of this, often there is no opportunity to buy land on which to build a school. And if there is any land available, the price is very high compared with the Rwandan standards. The price for our new school is around 70.000 Euros. We need help to do this and we invite you to donate for our new school. More info...
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