Dear Posjetitelj,
This year we anticipate Christmas with special joy. We will celebrate the fact that we have started to realize our dreams. It’s like in a fairy tale.
The school construction is moving ahead really well, we had a visit from our volunteer-friends, Ivo Mlakić from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Valerie Kae Ken from Canada, who helped to create new uniforms for the tailoring section of the vocational school
We were especially happy to receive a visit from our former student, Francoise Mukamana, who wrote a wonderful article on our website about the opportunities education opens up to young people.
All that, of course, in much more detail, you can read on our website
The first phase of construction of high school Dear friends, as you can see for yourselves, we are very busy with the construction of the new technical secondary school. The first phase of construction consists of: 11 classrooms with toilets, two rainwater reservoirs (an underground tank with a capacity of 500 cubic metres, and a surface one with a capacity of 100 cubic metres)...
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A Stitch in Time... As we’ve already written, Ivo Mlakić, a very experienced tailor from Bosnia, had come to Kivumu to share some of his practical knowledge and experience with the students and teachers of the tailoring section in our school. Soon after his arrival, Ivo was joined by Valerie Kae Ken, the Canadian fashion designer, who, among numerous...
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'Manual' Bulldozers and Excavators at Work Again We have turned Kivumu into a big construction site! Aside from the school that is being built at full speed, these days we’ve also begun digging reservoirs next to the future school which will serve as huge water containers. Well, yes. That’s how things work here. We don’t have a water-supply pipeline, so we have to take care of everything...
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Rwanda without Prejudice My idea of travelling to a faraway place didn’t include visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the exotic Taj Mahal, or getting a chance to admire the lights of New York. Rather, I was thinking of a journey which would take me away from quarrels with my family, love problems, a vague financial future and my conflicting principles and beliefs that...
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More Articles A Bosnian Tailor in Kivumu
We’re All Back
Into the Third Trimester with Few Students
A Visit by Rwandan MPs

If you are able, please donate for helping to educate the children at our Center
Rwanda is small country with population of 11 million. Because of this, often there is no opportunity to buy land on which to build a school. And if there is any land available, the price is very high compared with the Rwandan standards. The price for our new school is around 70.000 Euros. We need help to do this and we invite you to donate for our new school. More info...